SMART Academy Zoom Call

Hello fellow runner!

Hey Everyone! I want to pass on the Zoom link for my first SMART Academy Zoom call.

DATE: Thursday, February 8th, 2024

TIME: 7:00pm Central Time

TOPIC: Running Shoes

SMART Academy Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 885 0716 0853
Passcode: 064175


These virtual calls will take place monthly or almost monthly on various topics related to running. Think of all the topics of interest from training to fueling to recovery to workouts to pacing to race strategy and so much more. The goal is to learn, see each other and have fun. The SMART Approach is all about love, learning, accomplishment and FUN!

This initial call should be a super fun Zoom call because what runner doesn't like to talk about shoes? Right? Different type of training shoes, performance shoes, super shoes, do they work, do I need them, shoe technologies, shoe terms like heel to toe drop, foam technologies, brand differences, rotation, sales/discounts, shoe life, orthotics, foot pain, shoe laces, shoe wear, research etc. As fun as all this topic is to talk about, it is a very important topic because SHOES are the main equipment needed as a runner and needs to be taken seriously.

These calls are for the SMART Approach INNER CIRCLE team of coached runners. Guests will be allowed on a call. These can be an interested friend of a team member or a prospective team member interested in coaching. Of course, all approved by me. However, on this initial call I am opening it up to my newsletter subscribers and and select others. BUT, there is a limit to the number of individual that can attend. If you have an interest, Instant Messenger me, reach out to me on Instagram or email me and I will get you on the list. Don't be shy.

Instant Messenger: Personal or Smart Approach Training
Instagram: @runcoachtodd

I will also record the call so team members who cannot attend can view a recording of the call at a later date. Team members, if you know you cannot be on the call, please message me directly.

Any questions, comments or requests, please reach out. See you on the 7th.

Coach T

Here is a little tease action below with the newly released performance shoes New Balance SC Elite V4 and Hoka Cielo X1 and my next purchase, the Saucony Endorphin Elite. They really need to work on making these shoes look uglier 🤣

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