Featured Athlete

Hello fellow runner!

Coach Todd here. It's that time again to highlight an amazing SMART Approach athlete with one of the most prestigious awards in the running community. Well, at least in the SMART Approach Community. Ha. Today I would like to recognize this young lady as my SMART Approach Team Featured Athlete.

Mindy Herzog

I have worked with Mindy for 3 1/2 years starting June 2020. It has been a fun journey. Mindy reached out to me looking to improve her running and hurt less. She was running around 25 miles a week and complaining of aches, pains, shins and just not sure how to train properly and wanted monthly coaching. Mindy came into my life at the most opportune time. At the time I was just dabbling in run coaching doing run plans locally with athletes, working with some high school kids and writing articles and helping out on the I LOVE TO RUN FaceBook community as Coach T.

Over the past 30 years I accumulated real world experience working in fitness industry and running, racing since the late 1980s and working with and learning from world famous coaches. Through this, I developed my belief system and a training approach and it was time to apply it. Hello Mindy! Let's Go! Mindy is one of my prototypes who has proven that the SMART Approach works. She started this run coaching journey with me that is now my full time passion. She has also become a close friend and will always hold a special place in my heart.

The first thing I recognized with Mindy was she was running too fast too often. Every run was a race or going out to push hard. There was no structure or polarization to her approach. This soon changed and very quickly Mindy's aches and pains went away. It progressed from there with more structure, more base and mileage building and then "Aching Mindy" became "Marathon Mindy". She now wakes up most days of the week at 1:45am to run and has completed 5 marathons including 2 world majors in New York and Chicago this past October. Berlin is next in the Spring. The SMART Approach has taught her to run, train and race smarter. Mindy has had years of injury free running with progress and PRs year to year including her HALF and FULL Marathon PRs this Fall. She broke 1:50 for the first time in her November HALF and a 10 minute PR and her first sub 4:00 in the Chicago Marathon in October. Amazing racing! Also, in her personal life, she met an amazing man who she calls, "the man of her dreams". Thank you Jeff for adding happiness to this amazing lady and athlete. What a year!

Chicago Marathon PR October 2023

Coach Todd and Mindy at Expo in Chicago


Good Life Halfsy, November 2023

    Mindy Herzog

    SMART Approach Team - Featured Athlete

    1. Why do you run?

    I run for the love of it. I started out hating it. I was overweight and everything was hurting. I stopped running after my first HALF Marathon. I went through some major things and started back up again and found a love so deep for it that I hired Coach Todd to help me not hurt and run and train the right way. I no longer hurt.

    2. What are your hobbies outside of running?

    My hobby is my man, Jeff!!! Bahahaha. I would add my kids and traveling to their sporting events and being their #1 fan.

    3. Favorite running shoe for daily runs and for racing - brand and model?

    I recently changed up my shoe choices. I was a diehard Brooks Ghost runner but lately here is what I choose including a new race shoe.

    · Easy 6-7 milers – Nike Pegasus
    · Extended miles without speed work or hills – Saucony Triumph
    · Speed and Hills – Saucony Endorphin Speed 2
    · Recent Marathon PR and Fall Races – Saucony Endorphin Speed 3. Love them.

    I know it’s a lot of shoes! My pocket book lets me know. lol

    4. What are your long-term goals ahead personal and running related?

    Running: I want to get more PRs at all distances and to Boston Qualify (BQ) is my dream.
    I am patient and know it will come.

    Personal: I want to get off these 10 lbs. that are just hanging out on me. AND, I want to marry the man of my dreams.

    5. Average weekly miles and days per week running?

    More recently my miles have been a bit lower post Chicago Marathon and fitting in and recovering from 2 HALF Marathons this Fall. Coach has me getting back up to 55-60 miles a week soon over 6 days of running. I love miles.

    6. What is your favorite movie? Dream car?

    Favorite movie: PRETTY WOMAN I finally have my dream car – JEEP WRANGLER WILLY

    7. Anything unique about you, your history or life experience that most people would not know or would be curious to know?

    I am a dork and very shy. I know it doesn’t appear like it on social media but I am very quiet around people I don’t know. IDK why. Oh, I also used to be 120 lbs heavier.

    8. What is your favorite type of run or workout?

    Hills baby! All the way!! #HillsHerzog

    9. What food do you have a love but also hate relationship with and why?

    MILKY WAYS!!!!! Ugh. They are so good but make me gain weight just thinking about them.

    10. What one tip or piece of advice would you give a new runner or any runner trying to improve?

    SLOW DOWN!!!! Coach has preached this to me for years. I am a prime example of how well this has helped me grow. I promise you there is plenty of time to get faster and plenty of miles are needed to get there. Slowing down helps you build miles, keeps you healthy and consistent. Enjoy the ride! Love it! Learn it! Become it!

    11. Your favorite gel or fuel of choice to use during races or long training runs?

    Let’s be honest. Mindy hardly uses gels. Lol BUT, my goal is to be more on top of proper fueling and nutrition. Huma Gels are my go to on race day. I did try the Gatorade Gel when I was running the Chicago Marathon and might give this one a try too as it was pretty good.

    12. How has Coach T and SMART Approach Training benefited you?

    I continue to PR at all distances. I have more confidence in myself and my running. NO INJURIES! Before coach, I was hurting all the time. I am having more fun. I look forward to my runs and know coach is there to help me and support me 1000%. If I have questions on running, training or anything, coach is always there for me. He sure knows his stuff!!

    Congrats Mindy on your achievement and amazing progress. Thanks for your support, commitment and hard work. You are proof that when training hard and the right way with a SMART Approach, years of fun, thriving and growth can continue. There is more to come.

    The SMART Approach. It's Not Just A Plan!. It's An EXPERIENCE!


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